ME++, THE CYBORG SELF AND THE NETWORKED CITY:1. What does William Mitchell mean when he says framework?
2. What are the logic gates?
3. What does the sentence mean: "I am becoming the focal point of a global personal Panopticon." (page 7)
4. What are the ports of entry and exit?
5. Does he like the cyber world?
SPACE AND PLACE:1.Why is there no space for another building in the lot?
2. What is wrong with studying animals?
3. What does his graph of visual perception and indirect mode of symbolization actually mean? (page 8).
4.What is the significance of looking at Eskimos? We all have different experience and what we take back, but why Eskimos?
5. How does society have a stron impact on the development of spatial skills?
OF OTHER SPACES:1. How can heterotopias be described?
2. What meaning do they have?
3. Why are Utopias sites with no real place?
4. Why is the cemetery is certainly a place unlike ordinary cultural spaces?
5. Why aren't the heterotopic site not freely accessible like a public place?